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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Some of My Favourite CS Pets

- Daily Item
- Looking through some of my fav CS pets
Hey jammers!
I would have posted Friday except I wanted to watch The Mazerunner again because the death cure comes out on Friday and I needed to prepare myself a bit XD Yesterday I watched the scorch trials to prepare myself a bit more again. Which is kinda why I couldn't post. I was also working on a review for French and practising some questions for the oral exam in french. Yeah... Exams start on friday for me:( Also finally did something that I had been wanting to do forever yesterday and friday which was to work on my Character thats like Pusheen. 
So yeahaaaah. After exams I am gonna get another membership hopefully and I am also going to get some more AJ toys which I could have possibly gotten yesterday if Toys r us was open when my brother and mom went and if they had the toys. Hopefully they do though when I get them to go on Saturday again XD

Daily Item:
Today we have the icicle fangs sold in jam mart clothing for 650 gems!
(not sure if these are new but whatever)
They are an okay price but for fangs? SERIOUSLY??? XDD

Here is what they look like on a bunny:

Some of my favourite Chicken Smoothie Pets:
I honestly wasn't sure what to post today, (also no howl of the week today) and yes I know that Chicken smoothie isn't AJ related but I like to collect pets on it and do stuff on it and trade and possibly make commissions on it in the near future soooooo yeah. I thought I could go through some of my pages and find some favourite pets of mine. It wont be all cause that will probably be A LOT. But this is also a good reference idea for me in the future if I remember.

So let's take a quick look:)

Lloyd was actually my very first CS pet from the pound. I am never gonna give him away.

Also look at this super rare unicorn I have??
I think I got it on the day where you could free rare pets on CS.

Well there you have it.
Which pet is your favourite?
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya around in Jamaa:)

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- Violet


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