Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, June 30, 2017


- Check out the returning buried statue
- Learn about the new eggstravaganza pet, new codes for backpacks and books
Hey jammers!
I was originally gonna make this a super duper long post and include todays jamaa explorations and discussions but then that would have taken a VERY long time to type up to and I have to finish the drawing I wanted to post yesterday.... And the laptop I am using right now has 14% left so....
Sorry about that guys:(
But on the bright side school is out and I am finally gonna start working on this blog and its pages cause some never got finished and very out of date. I was gonna start that today but you know as I said before the laptop I am using only has 14% so I can't really do it.
EDIT:I am not posting the violet's drawing today anymore cause the laptop will need to be charged since it is now 8% after typing up the other parts of the post.
Daily Item:
Today we have the returning buried statue sold in jam mart furniture for 650 gems!
This is a nice item incase you wanted to bury some phantoms and show how they had diedXD
Jamaa News:
Yes, I know technically jamaa news is tomorrow on this blog but theres a few things I wanted to post on here. And I may not even be able to post tomorrow, though I am not sure yet cause tomorrow is Canada's Day and I usually go somewhere on Canada's Day. I just don't know if I will be able to....

The first thing I wanted to talk about is something most of you probably already know about.
If you want to get the Call of the Alpha's book, and The Phantoms Secret book, as an item on AJ you can enter the following codes...
HEARTSTONE- Call of the Alphas
RIDDLETHIS- The Phantoms Secret
(I think thats the right way)

Here is what they look like:
And the best thing about these is that if you click on the call of the alphas it brings you to the party!

The Second thing I wanna talk about is 2 cool backpacks you can get with the 2 following codes...
POWERBACKPACK- Power Panda Backpack
WILDBACKPACK- Playwild back pack

Here is what the two backpacks look like:
To the left is the play wild back pack and to the right is the power panda backpack.

Not many people know which AJ toys (I guess you would say) they came from!
The panda one is actually very very cute:)

Now the last thing I wanted to talk about was the new eggstravaganza pet. Yesterday I messaged AJ on instagram asking if it was just a reminder about the pet platypus.... In which they responded with:
So basically the new pet Is very rare and hard to get which is what I think they mean by elusive.
But if you want to know what it is you must keep reading:)
While I was on a google hangouts chat today my friend Purple found a picture of the new eggstravaganza pet on instagram. ( I cropped the picture she sent, so credits to her basically for the picture) 
The jammer who got it, is known on instagram by Patchthealpha, as it shows in the picture...
So here I announce the new eggstravaganza pet that everyone has been wondering what on earth it is...


I must go try to get one now:)
Technically I guess I could do the drawing now since the computer is plugged in but I am not.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow(maybe)!

1 comment:

  1. Its cute, and yet its not cute XD I want want sooo bad DX


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- Violet


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