Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, March 10, 2017


Hey jammers!
I know this isn't really a true post I am just posting about my life but...
So the arts store I go to had a sale yesterday for 40% off prismacolor so I thought why not go? So I was gonna get a pack of 24 but it turned out to be the wrong one that costed 42 dollars so then I went with the next cheapest the pack of 36 Verithin pencil crayons! Yeah it was actually quite frustrating at first. My sister also got a pack of 36 to but hers were just the premier not the premier verithin so we might share them...
And the lady their said we have to use a sharpener that won't break the the pencil. So if the pencil does break we have to get a new sharpener.... Or the prismacolor sharpener:) And then when I got home I searched on staples and they had a pack of Prismacolor scholar 60 pencils for about a bit more than 30 DOLLARS! Like I want that for my birthday XD
Now I have to buy If I stay online cause I finished the book and no stores had it:(

Sorry this wasn't a proper post but animaljam seriously isn't working properly right now, I have to keep reloading the page and all I wanna do is enter naffy's fashion show;/

Thats all for today!
See ya!
- Violet


  1. Question! What's a premier verithin crayon thing or was it a pencil.. XD

    1. The version of Prismacolor? Well they are like still a colouring pencil like the others but the verithin ones are good for like outlining and have like a harder/thinner lead, they also cheaper which is why I got themXD


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- Violet


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