Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to draw a snazzy phantom

- Reminder to enter the contest
- Check out the new valentines day backpack!
- Learn how to Draw a snazzy phantom
Hey jammers!
It started to snow today so me and my sister took some pictures outside!
I haven't really looked at them but they LOOK AMAZING! I love photography. 
And I got my sister to take some pictures of me dancing in the snow and one of them LOOK AMAZINGGGGGG! It's so insta-worthy:):):):):):)  Sorry about not posting a bit this past week...
I got caught up with a few things not to much though. I keep planning on reading but run out of time. I need to make sure I do it tomorrow!! Like I am on 3rd of the maze runner series and i wanna finish it so I can read the few other books I have and before I fall. I am reading if I stay at school so on tuesday i bought the second book. OH AND THE GRAMMY'S ARE ON TONIGHT!!
Anyways... Let's get onto the post!!
Daily item:
Today we have the new heart shaped backpack sold in jam mart clothing for 600 gems!
This is a cute backpack. Not that I would wear it though...
On the bright side it is for nonmembers, so thats good.

Here it is on a bunny:
Sorry you can't really see it:(

How to: Draw a snazzy looking phantom
So to be honest.. We actually haven't had a how to for awhile.
Since October to be honest. So I thought why not do a how to draw a snazzy looking phantom!!
Here we go....
Step 1: Draw a circle

Step 2: Draw the legs

Step 3: Draw the eyes

Step 4: bucket fill in the white

And VOILA!! 
YOu can make any changed you like! Don't worry your phantom won't look like the image above.
I promise:)
Also if yuou have any how to ideas to post about...
Before I do the questions of the day... 
I thought to give a contest reminder since you only have 3 days left...
I am not extending it any longer! So if you wanna enter you better do it now.

Do you enjoy drawing?

Where is this image located in the art studio?

400+ PAGEVIEWS!!!!!!!! 
I forgot what the actually number was but it was like 419 or something like that sooo.
That's all for today jammers!
See ya later!!
Now to draw on my wacom tablet.... Hmm what to draw... What to draw....

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- Violet


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