Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, January 27, 2017

Opinion and Review of AnimalJam

- Check out my opinion review of the game we like to call Animal Jam
- Have fun doing a mini challenge!
- Check out today's item
- Read some blog news
- Read my decision
Hey jammers!
Its apparently been 10 days since I last posted. Wow. I am so sorry guys, time flies by soooo fast! 
Anyways today I am here to give you guys a much deserved post... So let's get started!

Daily Item:
Today we have the returning heart bracelet sold in jam mart clothing for 400 gems!
The nice thing about this bracelet is that it is for nonmembers and.... 
ITS ONLY 400 GEMS! What a great deal?

Here is a preview of the bracelet on a bunny:

Being A member and Nonmember:
Okay, this doesn't really need to be in this blog post but...
Recently I have become a nonmember, This meaning that I don't get all the accesses that members do. I would get a new membership but the thing is... I don't play animaljam as much as I used to. I love the game and all but I don't wanna spend $20 dollars on a member(its 20 dollars cause of the exclusive gifts...). I will get probably when I have enough money in my wallet for one. Or in a month -3 months but for now I am just gonna stick as a nonmember. Also when I say I don't play it as much as a used to I mean, I don't play it every single day 2hrs+. I really only play it when I make a post and when new updates come out to try it, and because of my buddies:) Sometimes I do play it for longer than half an hour but not all the time and when I don't make a post or when my buddies are or are not on its longer than half an hour. I am not quitting any time soon. But trust me if it wasn't for this blog or my amazing friends on AJ I probably wouldn't still be playing. So ya. I also have some better things to do as well....

Opinion and Review of AJ:
Okay today I decided why not do an opinion and review of animal jam. 
Review: AnimalJam is a fun game for kids and teens to trade, dress animals, buy items, decorate dens, play adventures and so much more!!
Some things are member only features but nonmembers get much more of a variety compared to "Club Penguin".
Opinion: Animal Jam is a pretty fun game to play. Though once and awhile it gets kinda boring since you have done everything if you have been playing 2 years plus+ There is actually a lot of things to do compared to other games. Animal Jam is one of my favourite games.

Mini Challenge:
We actually haven't had a mini challenge on here in quite awhile to be honest. 
We have had mini quizzes, and questions of the days but not a mini challenge.
Today's mini challenge is....
Then once you do that comment down everyone's reactions please.

Blog News:
I will be changing the template, editing the tabs and the sides of the blog soon. 

There only 4 days left to enter....
So if you are planning to enter now just click this image on the side of the blog to enter!

Instead of doing a trivia question today I am doing 2 blog post questions so be sure to answer in the comments!

Are you planning to enter the contest?

What is your opinion of AJ?
Thats all for today for today jammers!
See you tomorrow!
- Violet

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1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
2. Don't copy any people's comments
3. If you are commenting anonymous make sure to comment down your username as well
4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


Remember these rules while visiting the AJLP blog:
1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
3. No inappropiate behavior! Always good behavior!
4. No swearing or being mean.

If you follow these rules then you will have a fun and safe time!
Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!