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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Categorized falcons

Hey jammers!
OMG I AM SOOOOO SORRY:( If you haven't noticed I haven't been posting for the past week and a half you would say? Well to be honest part of last week I just wasn't feeling it to post and I was trying to finish a countdown for the 5sos concert I am going to in july.. 88 days! So thats why I didn't have a post on monday tuesday I went shopping with my friends for the fitness thing which we had today. We had to choose a team name so ours is The tie-dye titans and our slogan was "We tie you die!" and then yesterday i had dance which also my friends had to come over after to help tie dye. So ya! Also tomorrow I have no school so hopefully I will work on the new contest and giveaway and create a party date for next weeks celebration! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hopefully upload a new video:)
So today is the new jamaa journal update so lets begin!

At first I thought this update was horrible but then they added some new features!

The falcons have arrived sooner expected!
Now I thought the falcons would be a lot like the eagles but actually they aren't. TBH they are actually probably my fav flying animal:) 

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Flower armour came 2 weeks ago we already know about that and hosting parties isn't a big deal soo I mean...

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Yay earth day celebration!
The video is quite cute.

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New exhibit has came and the deer are travelling now! Sorry jammers:'(

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Just a reminder!

Now here are the few new features!
Okay so now when you are in like a shop you can find stuff better. 
The first one brings you back to the main where the items are there from newest to oldest.
The second has from lowest priced item to highest priced item.
And the last is categorized from alphabetical order. 

The next feature is something i think could have come much sooner!
This feature is the enter code feature which means you don't have to keep logging in and out to enter a code you can just do it quicker and much easier now!

And now they changed how you categorize the items. They used to be words which I much preferred but I guess the pictures are okay?

I rate this a 6.5/10 just cause of the new features!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wooo! You're back, yay!

    I think the falcons are cool too! They have a few similarities to eagles, but I actually like the falcons a lot, maybe more than the eagles!


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- Violet


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