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Monday, March 7, 2016

Wanted otter

Hey jammers!
Today it was really nice outside for this time of year where I live.
And this week its suppose to be like above 5 degrees and I think its suppose to be 16 tomorrow so that really warm for the beginning of march. 
Whats the tempature like where you live?
Also I am trying to have about 5 or more of the cookies from the adventure even though I have 2 cause I really like them and I can never earn them.

Today we have the rare clover tie sold in jam  mart clothing for 650 gems!
This is actually a pretty good priced item.
I can actually understand this time why its recoloured.
Though I feel like this time it should be nonmember but oh well!

I am not doing a redo this week cause I don't think this requires one sooooo.....


Today I made an edit of my otter.
I originally had a better version but it didn't save so you get this one!
YIPEE! I feel like I need to make a story about this. If someone could remind me about this maybe towards the end of this week that would be great!

Thats all or today jammers!
See yah tomorrow!


  1. Its supposed to be 60 tomorrow, because I live more eastern then you I think ),)

  2. Do you mean you've been collecting the Lucky Cookies? Someone just sent me some, if you want em :)

    1. Yes please we can trade if you want

    2. Okay! When you see me again on AJ, send me a JAG, or I'll send you one :)

  3. I'm going camping!


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- Violet


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