Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Saturday, March 19, 2016


Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting the past 2 days on thursday I was not allowed on electronics so therefore I could not post and yesterday my friend came over for a sleepover and didn't leave until this afternoon.
So therefore you will have a late jamaa journal update.. Sorry:(
Preferably Paloozians... THATS RIGHT PALOOZIANS IS NOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE CALLEDXD Legit though I was always wondering what name would be good for this blog? I need to edit this blog a bit which I will probably having a new layout soon in the next month or two depending.. Now back on topic... I was wondering if anyone you paloozians know any good paint programs that are free and good quality, I downloaded one called paintbrush but it wasn't very impressive and it downloaded in less than 5 mins so if you know any please feel free to comment them down below!

Now the main point of todays post is to post the jamaa journal from this week.
Now like I said before I am sorry its late but who knows someone who reads this blog may have not seen it yet? And we can share our thoughts and opinions! To be honest this weeks jamaa journal update isn't that great but lets see!
So the spring festival is back already and lucky clovers is already gone. Whoo lucky clovers wasn't here for long was it? Well easter is just next weekend so this adventure probably won't be staying for much longer. Ive heard it is the same from last year and you still have to collect 100 eggs.

The mushroom hut is back... YAY!

A new feature which helps you organize your den items better! This is a nice feature which will make it much easier so you don't have to scan through everything... This feature is from PW. Every feature is from pw these days... Every feature:(

These are basically a repeat... So for those who didn't notice instead of getting random clothes items tom the daily spin yo uget rare item mondays instead. And I thought aj said rim's never come back?
And rhinos are travelling. Didn't they just travel last year?

And just a reminder about these weird looking snow leopards...

Here is the new look I will say few things about this..
If using this pic please give credit.
I am not sure if you can read those things but if you can't read it double click the image and it will show up bigger so you can zoom in on it if you know what I mean?
A few things about this feature...
- Every time you click the tab in the bottom corner where the arrow is on the picture it will say how many items you have that category
- The labels on top for which it is sorted by only pops up if you have an item in that category 
- To know what the topic is put your mouse above the tab to see what topic it is.
I have listed the names above for some of the categories or most or all who knows?

In all reality I rate this jamaa journal about 1.5/10

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya on mondaayyyyy.
Bu bye!


  1. Bleh, nothing was new this time. And by new, I mean GOOD new, not an adventure that is almost impossible and hasn't changed since last year. :C Maybe next update


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Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


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