Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, February 12, 2016

Chinese new year party review

Hey jammers!
I was gonna post yesterday but I had to practice for a quiz which we didn't actually do cause my teacher was like part through the quiz... "Do any of you find this confusing?" Everyone raised there hands. And then my teacher was like "we will just scrap this quiz and I will go over this more next week so you guys understand" 
Anyways after this post I am going to make my first youtube video then I am going to do my youtube channel:) Cant wait for you guys to watch my videos!

Today we have the new  heart backpack sold in jam mart clothing for 600 gems!
This item is quite nice actually. The colours look very nice on it!
And its nonmember!

Party review
Now I don't usually party reviews and show it all unless it is a new party basically.
I know this is a bit late but I thought I would do a party review of the new party...

To begin with when you enter on the right side you will see a sale sign.
That sale sign means to shop. If you click it it will bring you to the store where you can buy items. 
I bought 2 each of my favourite items from that party. 

Once you have continued you will come across a bridge which you will go across.

You will go on a waterfall, and fall.

Once you have fallen it bring you to the beginning!
That is the whole party.
The party is actually a quite nice and different as in unique party!
It may be small but it is quite fun!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya on monday or tomorrow!
Oh ya I have a 3 day weekend:)


  1. I have a 4 day weekend , oooo we're lucky :))

    I agree with everything you said here btw. I love this party a lot, it's unique.

  2. I have a 4 day weekend , oooo we're lucky :))

    I agree with everything you said here btw. I love this party a lot, it's unique.

  3. Can't wait to watch your first vid Violet!


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- Violet


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