Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

500 clear

Hey jammers!
I have to be super quick about this cause I am going to watch a movie with my sis!
Also tomorrow and this weekend there will be no posts... Sorry about that:( Reason is because this weekend my friends and I are going to my friends stable then after that we are seeing a movie then after that we are seeing a game then after that it is a sleep over so tomorrow I will be getting ready for that! 
I just realized that we should be having a leap year party this year since its a leap year! I am so excited cause I have never been to one!
Today is update day so lets get started!

To begin with there are lots of features one is new loading screens...
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So they now have another new den when they released one like a month ago?
No offense to this den or anything but its to hearts and pinky! Like to many hearts.
The outside space of it is nice though cause you get a frozen pond!

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The carnival is now back for only 2 weeks!
I probably won't  come to it unless I am super board sooooo:P

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Well this is new. They have never had a chinese new year party!
I am gonna and check it out sometime soon and maybe post a vid on my youtube channel of it when I get that set up XD

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Well they now have the chat improved.
I don't really understand the difference because I still have my free chat.
Atleast I think I do. But I guess this new feature is kinda helpful even though half the time we say nothing wrong and it still gets blocked.

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To be honest I thought the goats would be coming this week, I guess we have to wait a few more weeks! In the video they look super cute and there is an unreleased trampoline( Maybe a new item in the future?) There is no member things so maybe a nm animal? Probably not:( 
Members now have 500 inventory space! YESS THIS IS HELPFUL!

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Just a reminder to vote!

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For hosting parties now they have a new one to host and you can choose the music for it too!

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And more reminders about the friendship festival and special delivery!

A new feature  they added is now you click that little broom button and you can clear your animals outfit! I have been waiting for this, for awhile now is its pretty nice. I believe they used to have this feature exept no one liked it cause they had to restart there outfit if they clicked it by accident!

We also have a new jamagram card!

I will have to remember to do that chinese party tour thing on my YT when I get that set up!
This was a pretty filled update and long. I think the longest ever actually XD
I rate this 7/10 
Just cause some features that were added add a nice touch to the game!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya on monday!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh good post Violet, can't wait to talk with you on AJ again sometime.

    I love the new Year of the Monkey themed Chinese New Year stuff! The JAG is really a cute design & the party seems fun although I have not yet visited it.

    Jam on~


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- Violet


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