Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Frosty the snowman

Hey jammers!
Sorry for no post yesterday as I needed to go shopping badly.
Well not badly but  you know what I meanXD So I just watched paper towns with my sis since she got it for christmas.... Remember as soon as next week hits no posts on wednesday like usual.
Also I am not sure if there will be a post tomorrow friday and the weekend but I don't usually post on weekends sooooooo..... So there may not be a post until monday but Im not sure. Reason is because I might be going to my uncles but I am not sure when or how long:)
Since I never have anything planned on wednesdays for posts I guess Ill just do the jamaaliday item and new item. Sound good? Sounds good.
The movie kinda had a funny part cause the person who plays augustus in fault in our stars was in it!

Today we have the winter mail box as the new jamaaliday item!

I actually really like this item! Is it the same mailbox we get every year or a different one?
Because to me it is different unless it comes in different colours which I don't think it does!

Today we have the returning snowman sold in jam mart furniture for 250 gems!
This snowman looks like it just ready for winter right now! 
Its very cute too, even though we see it every yearXD 

Frosty the snowman.......
Okay now, now I just have frosty the snowman stuck in my head! 
Whooooooooop Whooooooop!

See ya whenever the next time is which might be on monday but we will never know...
- Violet


  1. Hello!

    FYI; if you are available tomorrow, I'd appreciate it if you came to my New Year's party!! Thanks~!

    visit theanimaljammoon.weebly.com for details!

  2. The mailbox was for sale last year.


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- Violet


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